All pet kittens are spayed/neutered prior to leaving us!!!
Feel free to contact us about available kittens
galaxyrags@aol.com or 513-489-1935
email galaxyrags@aol.com
for fastest response
All kittens are now reserved!!!
Check back in late spring for kitten updates.
Contact us for information on reserving a kitten
Due to unforeseen circumstances, one of our clients has to
rehome two kittens that they received from us. As a courtesy,
we are posting their information to assist in finding them a new home.
They are both bluepoint bicolor neutered males born 10/23/2023.
They have been together since birth so it would be great
if they could go together.
For information on these sweet boys contact the owner directly:
Rachel Hamilton
Check with us for further information on pricing and how to place a deposit.
Kittens are placed in the order that deposits are received.
Please contact us for information on kitten availability
Call for details
email – galaxyrags@aol.com (preferred)
All of our kittens are evaluated before being placed. Some may be placed on hold to be evaluated for show and/or breeder quality. Those kittens may be released for placement a little later than others. Therefore, kittens in a litter may be reserved, on hold, or available. We do accept non-refundable deposits to reserve kittens, as kittens are placed on a first come first serve basis. Our kittens must be indoor only pets and may not be declawed per our contract.
We do not ship pet kittens.